You Hold The Power Over Your Reactions

You Hold The Power Over Your Reactions

It’s crucial to understand that NOTHING or NO ONE  in life has more power over your own situation than you, and that’s always true!  There's a classic story that illustrates this point.  There's a father and a son and the son is complaining about how difficult life is...

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Reprogram Your Mind Before Sleeping

Reprogram Your Mind Before Sleeping

There’s no doubt most people enjoy getting a good night’s sleep.  A lot of people also take advantage of free time throughout the day by taking a power nap or catch up on a lack of sleep by taking a longer nap throughout the day.  Sleep has several benefits such as...

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Non-Ballistic Kettlebell Training for Arms

Non-Ballistic Kettlebell Training for Arms

When most people think of Kettlebell Training, they think of ballistic exercises because that's primarily what kettlebells are primarily used for. (Interesting little tidbit - Ballistic comes from the Greek word ballein , which literally means "to throw") Ballistic...

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Cannabis – Hemp – Marijuana: Are they the same?

Cannabis – Hemp – Marijuana: Are they the same?

I previously wrote an article titled Marijuana: A scheduling Nightmare, where I wrote about the confusion and absurdities surrounding the listing of cannabis as a schedule I drug, which is what the Federal government classifies cannabis as.  In December of 2018,...

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Why Food is Better Than Supplements

Why Food is Better Than Supplements

Supplements are just that, “supplements”. They are not “substitutes” or “replacements”. It’s always a better idea to get vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients from food as they are a natural source rather than getting them from something man-made. This is because...

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Marijuana – A Scheduling Nightmare!

Marijuana – A Scheduling Nightmare!

As more states opt for medical marijuana, decriminalization, and recreational use among adults, the law of land has remained steadfast in its position that Marijuana is illegal under federal law. The legal aspects surrounding medical use as well as recreational use...

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Intermittent Fasting on Vacation?

Intermittent Fasting on Vacation?

I've discovered the beauty of intermittent fasting, and it was actually by accident. The story begins when I recently went on a mini vacation with my family to the beach. Whenever I go on vacation, whether it’s a mini vacation or an extended vacation, I tend to sway a...

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Core Exercises for Rock Solid Abs

Core Exercises for Rock Solid Abs

One of the most sought after goals in fitness and bodybuilding alike by both men and women, is a well defined six pack.  Even for those not involved in fitness, weight training, or bodybuilding, having a six pack is somewhat of a holy grail to many.  Now, first and...

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The 7 Laws of Training

The 7 Laws of Training

There are numerous training philosophies in the fitness industry. From books and magazines to videos and the Internet, the information can be certainly be overwhelming. Some programs are designed to work best for strength, others are designed for size. Some to get...

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Your World Within Motivation

Your World Within Motivation

I often like to listen to motivational speeches while I'm driving, going for run, or just doing work around the house. One of go to playlists includes multiple speeches by Boston, MA native, Eddie Pinero. He founded Your World Within to help bring his motivational...

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Copyright © 2021 - Ryan Schwantes - Amsterdam, NY - (518) 842- 3052


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