Recommended Resources for Addiction, Fitness and Motivation.

Baldwin Research Institute, Inc.
Founded in 1989, the Baldwin Research Institute’s (BRI) mission is to change the Treatment industry to a solution that works. Over the past decade, more treatment facilities have opened, more money than ever has spent on treatment, and yet the problem seems to be worse than ever. Clearly the current paradigm isn’t working. Treatment doesn’t Work! That’s why BRI is determined to change the way in which people currently see “addiction” from the current view of having a lifelong disease, to one in which “addiction” is seen as the temporary problem that you have the power to move beyond.
The Freedom Model
The Freedom model is BRI’s newly developed approach to moving beyond “addiction” This new approach is sure to change way in which you think of “addiction” The Freedom Model for Addictions is a book that details this approach and is filled with fact research based to back up the idea that “Addiction” is not a disease and that you truly do have the power to move beyond addiction for good.
Saint Jude Retreats
The Saint Jude Retreats are residential facilities in which individuals can enroll in either a 4 or 6 week course to learn how to move beyond addiction. The Retreats are the the only place in which The Freedom Model is is utilized in a residential setting.
The Clean Slate Addiction Blog
The Clean Slate Addiction Blog is run by BRI researcher Steven Slate. Steven is a co-author of The Freedom Model and has been researching substance use and addiction for over 15 years. Steve’s blog contains many very interesting articles on the research associated with addiction and he does a fantastic job of proving why addiction is not a disease. Steve also gave a TedX talk in 2016. TED Talk on Addiction: Treatment Doesn’t Cure Addiction, It Creates Addiction which is very interesting.