Why Food is Better Than Supplements
Supplements are just that, “supplements”. They are not “substitutes” or “replacements”. It’s always a better idea to get vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients from food as they are a natural source rather than getting them from something man-made. This is because...

Marijuana – A Scheduling Nightmare!
As more states opt for medical marijuana, decriminalization, and recreational use among adults, the law of land has remained steadfast in its position that Marijuana is illegal under federal law. The legal aspects surrounding medical use as well as recreational use...

Intermittent Fasting on Vacation?
I've discovered the beauty of intermittent fasting, and it was actually by accident. The story begins when I recently went on a mini vacation with my family to the beach. Whenever I go on vacation, whether it’s a mini vacation or an extended vacation, I tend to sway a...

History of Pro-Hormones
By RedCon1 - October 24, 2016 From The 3 Blind Mice, To The Avengers Trinity When last we met, we talked about the magic that is Liposomal Technology and how it applies to today’s batch of the Pro-hormones ugly step-children; 1-DHEA, 4-DHEA,...

The 5 Most Basic Rules of Health and Fitness
Do Something Active Every Day You need not put in heroic efforts, but you should use your body every day, whether that’s a fast-paced walk, a hike, or an hour in the garden. Decades of studies show that just 30 minutes of moderate to intense daily physical activity...